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We dream, we change






a corporate responsible project of Stopanska banka AD - Skopje "Together we can create a beautiful and wonderful world"

Stopanska banka AD - Skopje is pleased to announce a new socially responsible project under the name "We dream. We change" which was realized today 04.12.2016 (Sunday) in MOB at 11am. The event is dedicated to the children from Macedonia with disabilities and helps to mark the International Day of Persons with Disabilities and special needs. This project is realized with children of different ages and with different disabilities, together with their friends and families, with Kaliopi and 5+ Band, which performed on the stage of MOB in order to present their capabilities and creative potential. Stopanska banka AD - Skopje during the preparation of the event was in intensive communication and cooperation with associations of parents of children with disabilities, which will provide support for the long-term projects.

In addition, the Bank for this project developed educational video messages that are available publicly and will be shared with schools across the country and will aim to encourage children to develop empathy and to reach out to their friends and for all children visitors of the event, the Bank provided package gifts. "WE DREAM.WE CHANGE is a project that is special not because the organizers, but rather because children who participate in it and that enabled us to realize this event. These include children with special opportunities (such as parents) by children who need additional support any children without whom would not be able to convey the message to the wider community. WE DREAM.WE CHANGE has the goal to highlight the benefits of diversity that exist in our world and young people to open their horizons to them, and how to accept together to create equal opportunities for all. "- said Mr. Diomidis Nikoletopoulos, CEO and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Stopanska Banka AD - Skopje.

Many thanks to the friends of the event who helped in the organization of the event: Oho, Publicis, Embassy of the United Kingdom in Macedonia, Nevrodiverzitet. Live coverage of the event was available on the YouTube channel of the Bank. Numerous photographs of the event will certainly be available on the Facebook page of the Bank and we are expecting visitors with their photographs to enrich the album. 


Stopanska banka AD - Skopje

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