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Vozi pravo, vozi zdravo 5th edition



Vozi pravo, vozi zdravo 5th edition


Skopje was free of cars and traffic for one hour and filled with bikers, scooters, roller blades, baby strollers. With over 7.000 participants, Vozi pravo, vozi zdravo, one of the main CSR events of Stopanska banka AD - Skopje was held this Saturday, 08.06.


The start from the Boris Trajkovski sports center was a big hit as it allowed all the participants to gather safely and begin the 2.3km race to the City park finish. Following previous years of the event, this time, the fifth edition was bigger, stronger and smoother, allowing for more fun, more games and even more smiles. Each participant received a t-shirt, coupons for refreshments and participated in the lottery.


Stopanska banka AD - Skopje continues to cooperate with the community to promote values that are of joint interest. We are thankful for everyone involved in the proper execution of this mass event, mostly to the City of Skopje which joined in the lottery by providing a electric scooter as one of the prizes.


Video of the event can be found on our YouTube and Facebook pages as well as the photos shared under the hashtag #Vozipravovozizdravo.


Stopanska banka AD - Skopje

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