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VOZI OD SRCE (Ride from the heart) - a campaign for the 75th anniversary of Stopanska banka AD - Skopje



VOZI OD SRCE (Ride from the heart) - a campaign for the 75th anniversary of Stopanska banka AD - Skopje

Dear clients,

During the entire 2019, Stopanska Banka AD - Skopje celebrates the 75 year of its foundation. As a Bank with the longest tradition, Stopanska Banka AD - Skopje has contributed to many infrastructural, and projects essential for our economy, as well as numerous everyday family and individual projects that meant realization of dreams, plans and ambitions. With its presence throughout the Republic, with the years dedicated to familiarizing our clients with constant investment in new products and services, we remain faithful to our slogan "on your side" and we grow together.

It is this significant jubilee that the Bank wants to celebrate united with the community through various projects throughout the year. As a central part of the celebration of the anniversary, we created a campaign dedicated to the hearts. VOZI OD SRCE (Ride from the heart) is a campaign that invites us all to pay more attention to the health of our hearts, the environment and traffic jams - simply by regularly using the bicycle as a means of transport. The goal we set out is to ride 1,000,000 kilometers from the heart, together. Finally, when this major goal is achieved, Stopanska Banka AD - Skopje will transfer kilometers into medical equipment, a donation for the University Children Clinic, for the cardiology department. Thus, we round off the campaign and together we will help for the hearts of the children.

Find out more about the voziodsrce.mk project and join the biggest biking campaign so far :)

Stopanska Banka AD - Skopje
75 years on your side




For further information, please contact

Веб-страницата на Стопанска банка АД - Скопје користи „колачиња“ кои собираат податоци за корисниците. Овие податоци помагаат на Банката да обезбеди подобро корисничко искуство, како и подобра функционалност на услугите и веб-страницата. Со одбирање на опцијата „Ги прифаќам сите колачиња“ давате согласност за начинот на кој ги користиме „колачињата“. За други опции, одете во „Поставки за колачиња“. Дополнително, користењето на веб-страницата на СБ не е условена од прифаќањето на колачињата иако на тој начин одредени процеси може да не бидат технички оптимизирани за вашето лично корисничко искуство.