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UNIT Link - life insurance with investment component





UNIT Link - life insurance with investment component


Stopanska Banka, as a leader in Bankassurance on the domestic market, starts with an offer of Unit Link life insurance with an investment component. With this product, the clients of Stopanska Banka will have a life insurance policy with the possibility of choosing to invest in GENERALI or WVP investment funds through which the invested funds will be invested in shares of the world's leading companies such as: Apple, Google, Facebook, Paypal , BMW, NIKE, VISA, Microsoft, Shell, Nestle, Coca Cola, Pepsi, Amazon, IBM, Siemens and others.


UNIT Link life insurance with investment component is continuously growing in all countries in Europe and we believe that in cooperation with UNICA Life, as a representative of the leading Austrian insurance company UNICA, will have the best offer on the market through which our customers will receive life insurance combined with opportunity to achieve a significant return on investment.


UNIT Link life insurance is available for all clients, where the minimum period of insurance by investing shares in investment funds is 5 years and the minimum annual premium is 360 EUR in MKD equivalent.

For easier servicing of the insurance premium, Stopanska Banka provides clients with a free annual or monthly standing order, and clients have the opportunity to choose the amount of the investment component and receive an annual report on the state of their investments in the investment fund. The clients will have the opportunity very soon for constant insight in their investment portfolio.


Combining the accumulated knowledge of the leading Austrian insurance company UNICA, the Italian investment experience of the GENERALI investment fund and the Austrian prudent and high-yield strategy of the WVP investment fund, we provide our clients with the best Unit Link offer on the market.


From today up to December 3, 2021, the offer of UNIT Link will be available exclusively in the newly opened i-bank corner in Skopje East Gate shopping center, and starting from next week the offer of UNIT Link will be active in all branches of Stopanska bank as well as through the Contact Center on the phone number 15 110.

With the offer of UNIT Link life insurance with investment component, Stopanska Banka marks November, the month of insurance by completing the widest market offer of banking insurance. According to the published national data for the third quarter of 2021, Stopanska Banka is a leader in the field of bankassurance, with a leading position on the market in terms of the number of insurance policies, as well as in the gross written premium in both life and non-life insurance.


Stopanska Banka AD - Skopje

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