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The best bank employees for 2022 announced

1. 11. 2022


The best bank employees for 2022 announced


Celebrating the #WorldSavingDay, the Macedonian Banking Association organized its traditional event to announce the best bank employees of 2022 in the distinguished presence of the Minister of Finance, the Central Bank Governor, the Manager of the Fund for Deposit Insurance, Board of Directors members of Banks and Saving houses and other guests.

As a holiday for the banking sector, the World savings day was celebrated in order to emphasize the importance of deposits as drivers of the economy, but also for the banks as the traditionally trustworthy home for the retail and corporate clients.

The Stopanska banka colleagues that were selected as the "Best bank employees" of 2022 are:
- Elizabeta Trajanoska, Head of sales, Ohrid Branch
- Aneta Todorovska, Head of sales, Vero2 Branch
- Stojanche Krstov, Sales advisor, Shtip Branch


We congratulate our colleagues for this recognition and we hope it will be an additional drive for their careers. In addition, we thank them for their dedication, hard work and professionalism which led them to this recognition and the recognition from their colleagues and associates. With dedication and integrity, these colleagues contribute to the corporate culture we are building over the years and which we are proud of.

Stopanska banka AD - Skopje
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