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Stopanska Banka Strengthens Its Leadership Team with a New Board Position for Transformation & Strategy

12. 2. 2025


Stopanska Banka Strengthens Its Leadership Team with a New Board Position for Transformation & Strategy


Stopanska Banka is pleased to announce the appointment of Ms. Evangelia Kalouptsi as Member of Board of Directors - Chief Strategy and Transformation Officer (CSTO). This is a newly established position within the Board of Directors, which, as announced, will be expanding with several new roles this year, in line with the long term strategy of the Bank.

The CTSO position shall complement Stopanska Banka’s commitment to maintaining its market leadership position, striving to be the bank of choice for clients, ensuring long-term sustainability through modernization, automation, empowering the workforce and through digital transformation in every aspect of operation. With this approach we position transformation as a continuous journey to enhance resilience, drive innovation, optimize processes, enhance customer experiences and further strengthening our position as a trusted financial partner.

With this the board of directors now consists of:

  • CEO - Diomidis Nikoletopoulos
  • Chief Risk Officer - Bojan Stojanoski
  • Chief Retail Officer - Milica Chaparovska - Jovanovska
  • Chief Strategy and Transformation Officer - Evangelia Kalouptsi

with the positions of COO, CFO and CCO planned to be introduced in the coming period.

Stopanska banka AD - Skopje
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