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Stopanska banka AD - Skopje with 25% increase of profits before taxes

1. 2. 2022

Stopanska banka AD - Skopje with 25% increase of profits before taxes


Stopanska banka AD - Skopje concluded the year 2021 with a profit before taxes of 2.728.833 thousand denars, leaving behind another successful year and the results that prove it is a leading financial institution in the country.

The result comes from the continuous successful operation of the Bank form many years based on the sound business fundamentals and accelerated by the implementation of a successful business model, strong capital position, prudent risk management and the implemented principles of sound corporate governance. 

The financial result is achieved on organic assets growth as well as measures undertaken for business activities growth in accordance to the business policy.
During the lingering pandemic, the Bank management as well as all its employees are actively involved in enabling continuation of the entire infrastructure, support for the clients, the economy and the society as a whole. Our main focus is on improving the digital infrastructure, which in the given circumstances is a necessity and a means to a better future. The Bank continues to closely monitor the pandemic crisis development making sure all necessary measures and activities are in place.

Expectations for 2022

Stopanska banka AD – Skopje has multiple significant projects lined up for 2022 which will be of benefit to the clients and enable a more profound cooperation. As a Bank with the longest tradition, Stopanska banka will continue to be the pillar of the economy, and in that sense most of our development goals are aimed at projects that contribute to opening new jobs, increasing export, improving production capacities and other infrastructural projects meaningful for the entire economy, while in the meantime we will continue to offer our retail clients modern products and solutions that enable them to optimize their family budgets and rationally and independently run their finances.

We continue developing digital solutions that will enable our clients bigger liberties in choosing when and how they interact with the Bank, with more and more individualized communication channels and the enabling of more direct, more open and communication that results in customized solution and higher customer satisfaction.
In line with world trends, the expansion of bank assurance product offer as well as pension funds will continue, creating more satisfaction among our customers.

We will dedicate this year also to the human potential development, to our employees, which especially in the branches were highly affected by the covid pandemic related changes. We continue to create working environment adjusted to these changes however integrating opportunities to develop, grow and self realize for every individual working at Stopanska banka.

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