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New Offer in Bankassurance - Creditor Protection Insurance

17. 11. 2021


New Offer in Bankassurance - Creditor Protection Insurance


Stopanska banka AD - Skopje and Croatia insurance/non-life AD - SKopje have expanded their bankassurance offer on the domestic market by offering Creditor Protection Insurance.

Aiming to incentivize the development of the domestic insurance market, Croatia and Stopanska recently expanded their bankassurance offer by introducing the Creditor protection insurance for the first time!

Using this offer, new lending product clients gain the opportunity to sign a creditor protection insurance which allows them financial stability during loan repayment, and temporary bridging certain life challenges that might occur during loan repayment as are: job loss, accidents, long healing process etc.

We are especially happy that in the short time from introducing the new insurance, it was instantly recognized as added value and with the beginning of November we marked the first 100th sale.

Therefore, at our i-bank corner @ East Gate Mall on Wednesday, November 17th we presented a gift to the 100th user of the CPI - a weekend for 2 persons in Krushevo.


Additional information regarding the CPI clients can get exclusively from our branch employees as well as our 24/7 AloKredit via (02) 15110.

About CPI:
Creditor protection insurance CPI is a customized insurance, which upon occurring of certain predefined risks, helps the bank to preserve the life cycle of loan repayment steady and helps the clients get security and regular repayment of their debt, no matter what their condition is. If an insured event connected to death or permanent  disability happens, the family does not inherit the loan, and remains financially protected because the remaining debt will be cleared in total. On the other hand, if the client is facing unemployment or illness the insurance covers the monthly annuities during the the period.





For further information, please contact

Веб-страницата на Стопанска банка АД - Скопје користи „колачиња" кои собираат податоци за корисниците. Овие податоци помагаат на Банката да обезбеди подобро корисничко искуство, како и подобра функционалност на услугите и веб-страницата. Со одбирање на опцијата „Ги прифаќам сите колачиња" давате согласност за начинот на кој ги користиме „колачињата". За други опции, одете во „Поставки за колачиња". Дополнително, користењето на веб-страницата на СБ не е условена од прифаќањето на колачињата иако на тој начин одредени процеси може да не бидат технички оптимизирани за вашето лично корисничко искуство. За повеќе информации, посетете ја нашата Политика за колачиња.