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Capital investments and credit growth are the main focus of Stopanska banka AD - Skopje

3. 2. 2023


Capital investments and credit growth are the main focus of Stopanska banka AD - Skopje

With growth in net profit, strong credit support to the retail and the corporate sector, as well as growth in the number of customers and deposits, Stopanska banka AD - Skopje successfully completed the year 2022. The achieved results in operations are a continuation of the Bank's uninterrupted growth and strong commitment to customers, employees and the community as a whole.

The analysis of the data from the Bank's operations last year shows growth and development in all segments of operations. The achievements are the result of the Bank's stable system, careful management of risks, proven business model, strong capital position and good corporate governance. All this strengthens the status of Stopanska banka as a leader in market participation and an important factor in creating and maintaining the stability of the financial system in the country.

Stopanska banka successfully coped with the challenges imposed by the uncertain financial environment at the world level and ended the year with a net profit before taxes in the amount of 2,617,019 thousand denars, and at the same time, the profit before taxation and impairment charges amounted to 3,851,117 thousand denars , which represents an increase of 10% compared to 2021.

The support the Bank provides for the retail and business sector is evident through the increased credit portfolio by 10% compared to last year. This will remain to be in the focus for the coming period. Despite financial uncertainty and high inflation, deposits grew by 5%, which confirms the strong confidence of customers in the Bank.

The bank with the longest tradition on the market started a new chapter in its operations last year with an investment in the new company "Stopanska Leasing", which offers individuals and companies financial and operational leasing through the highest level of financial support and advice. With this, the Bank enriched the financial market with new leasing products.

The positive financial results are a stable basis for further capital investments of Stopanska banka. The most significant of them is the construction of a new administrative building in the center of Skopje, which began at the end of 2022. This very significant investment of the Bank, which will be predominantly executed through domestic companies, represents a significant project not only for SB employees and clients, but also a surge for the entire economy. In addition, the Bank continues with investments in the digitalization of banking services in accordance with world trends and invests in the development and education of its employees.

The year 2022 brought Stopanska banka AD - Skopje the recognition as the best bank in the Republic of North Macedonia according to the renowned magazine "Euromoney" from London, United Kingdom, which evaluates the banks and financial institutions in the world according to various criteria, such as the operation results, market position, innovations and introduction of new services, management system and employee relations.




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