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Best bank employees for 2023

31. 10. 2023

Best bank employees for 2023


Today is the international "Saving Day" and accordingly, our branches were visited by groups of students and children from local kindergartens in order to have an early discussion about the value of saving as a healthy habit that should be nurtured throughout life. We thank all the colleagues who participated in the organization of the visits, but also the children for their curiosity and interesting questions.

Additionally, during the day, following the already established tradition, the Macedonian Banking Association (MBA) organized a formal event where the best bank officers for the year were announced from all members of the Association.

We highlight our colleagues who hold the title of "Best Bank Officers" for 2023:

- Dusko Ristovski, Advisor for small businesses, Tetovo Branch
- Emilia Kebakoski, Sales Advisor, Bitola Vero Branch and
- Elena Golovodoska, Advisor for SB Exclusive Clients, GTC Branch

We would like to congratulate our colleagues and believe that this is a great recognition of their professional progress and will be an incentive for further successes and achievements. We continue to be a team that creates successful banking professionals, fulfilled individuals and thanks to all that, a great team.

Stopanska banka AD - Skopje
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