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Annual General Assembly of Shareholders – Stopanska banka AD - Skopje



Annual General Assembly of Shareholders – Stopanska banka AD - Skopje


Stopanska banka AD – Skopje, by written correspondence, held the The Shareholders Assembly meeting on June 30th . The meeting entailed deliberation and approval on decisions which the Bank would like to share with the public.

The Bank successfully concluded the year 2019, with results achieved due to the consistent business policy and the dedication in implementing the strategic goals and activities. We have behind us 75 years of a successful brand which constantly develops and is always in line with the needs of its clients – citizen and corporations, with our economy and with our society as whole.

The Assembly decided that the profits from 2019 to be used in the following manner:
-    Part of the profits to be capitalized which contributes to maintaining a strong capital position which secures stability, growth and development, having in mind the general recommendations of the Central bank
-    The second part of the profits is intended for investment projects of the Bank, aimed at development goals that will further strengthen the operational capacity of the Bank in the future. However, in case the investments are not executed within the planed time frame the Bank shall make a new decision to repurpose these assets.

The Agenda of the Shareholders Assembly, the decisions and the financial reports are available on the Banks web site.

As before, the Bank remains devoted to the implementation of highest standards of transparency in its operations which is symbolic for big corporations, with social responsibility, which care for the community and contribute to the joint progress and development.

Stopanska banka AD - Skopje
On your side




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