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Ana Marija Atanasovska - silver medal winner at the World MOS Championship



Ana Marija Atanasovska - the national winner, came back with a silver medal from the World MOS Championship


At our i-bank store today, Ana Marija Atanasovska, a student of the Rade Jovchevski Korchagin high school from Skopje was presented as the winner of a silver medal at the World MOS Championship that was held between 28-31 July in New York City, USA. Ana Marija competed in the Power Point 2013 category providing our country with the biggest success at this prestigious competition so far. Competing with 153 students from 119 countries in application based categories (Power Point, Excel and Word), Ana Marija won a silver medal.


Ana Marija was presented to the media at the venue that hosts the national MOS championship 4 years in a row, the  i-bank store branch of Stopanska banka which again gave us a platform to promote the values of the Bank to the community, to the youth and to the improvement of the education and digital literacy overall. The Bank partnered with the event these 4 years covering the travel and accommodation expenses for the winners and their mentors.

Mrs. Valentina Taseva, Semos Education CEO said that we should be really proud, and announced plans and wishes for even bigger results for our country for the coming years and competitions, providing that we send as much as 9 contenders (6 is the Microsoft Office and 3 in the Adobe competition). "We are so happy with this big result, highest so far in this world digital literacy challenge, a second place. I wish to congratulate all students, teachers and mentors. Also thank you to the partners of this event in the past few years that recognized the potential of our youth, namely: Stopanska banka AD - Skopje, the City of Skopje, VIP, Makpetrol, Metropolis Radio, Vitaminka and Lycamobile. What I would like to emphasize is that our youth deserve our attention, and I wish to appeal for bigger support by the business sector and the administrative sector enabling more participants in the MOS and Adobe championship. Our young have the real potential to fight for even bigger success on the world stage. We can send 9 contenders at the Championship however lacking the financial support we only send 1 or 2."


Our country sends MOS and ACA national champions to the world championship 4 years now, thanks to Certiadria, the national organizer of the event. According to the CEO of Certiadria, Mr. Marko Serafimovski the success Ana Marija had is a motivation for more youth to take part in the challenge next year. "Congratulation to all students, mentors, teachers that took part in the national challenge. Our 4 year long effort finally gave results and I am happy that with the hard work and persistence we made it to a historic second place in New York. I am certain of the capacity our young people have, alongside their desire for personal growth in this digital era to prove their digital literacy. I shall use this event to call all students aged 13-22 to take part in the challenges and prove their knowledge. I also appeal teachers, professors, mentors and parents across the country to support and push their students/children to compete with knowledge, invest and dedicate their time to hard work and learning. Thanks to all the participants and business partners and we will see you at the 5th national championship this year".





Microsoft Office World Championship is the biggest IT challenge in the world engaging over 850.000 pupils worldwide. Ana Marija Atanasovska won the national championship in May which reflected the tests of 700 participants and the 40 finalists.

The Microsoft Office Specialist is held here for the fourth time, while the Adobe Certified Associate for the second time. The idea behind the challenges is to support digital literacy improvement among the youth. Organizers of the challenges are Certiadria and supported by Stopanska banka AD - Skopje, City of Skopje and Semos Education.




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