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20 "green" projects from the EBRD credit line are being implemented

20. 10. 2023


20 "green" projects from the EBRD credit line are being implemented


A total of 20 "green" projects of 17 companies in the country are in the realization phase, with which the companies will contribute to the modernization of their production capacities, transport fleets and sales locations. The start and realization of these development projects is due to the credit line for supporting small and medium enterprises for investments in sustainable, green technologies provided by the EBRD through Stopanska banka AD - Skopje.

Last year, the EBRD and Stopanska Bank AD-Skopje signed an agreement for the introduction of this credit line in the amount of 4 million euros, which is part of the Program for the Sustainable Restart of Small and Medium Enterprises. According to the criteria, for the implementation of the projects, the Bank's clients use grant-support worth up to 15 percent of the loan amount, provided by Luxembourg, Norway, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Korea, Sweden, Switzerland, Chinese Taipei and the United States of America.

According to the purpose, 50% of all projects are aimed at using solar energy as a source of electricity for the needs of companies. This allocation corresponds to the current trends for creating a sustainable future and reduced operating costs. The other projects focus on a better transport fleet and modernization of the companies' production and sales facilities.

As the bank with the longest tradition on the market, Stopanska banka AD - Skopje is at the same time a systemically significant bank and one of the pillars of the economy. Therefore, we believe that with such projects we open new horizons and deepen cooperation with customers and the community. We thank the EBRD and the sponsors of the project and hope for many future successful collaborations.

We would like to point out that Stopanska banka continues to offer its clients financial analysis, advice and solutions in accordance with their needs and opportunities for improving financial results and achievements. At the same time, together with the EBRD, we work to improve the environmental impact of clients' businesses, creating benefits for all.

Stopanska banka AD - Skopje
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