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Payment operations abroad

General Information

All activities in the area of international payment operations are performed in accordance with the Law on FX Operations, Law on Payment Services and Payment Systems, the Instructions on Performing the International Payment Operations, the Decision on the Method of Performing the International Payment Operations, the other legal and by-law regulations and the Bank's internal acts.

Incoming payments - Loro remittances

  • The recipient of the funds should have a foreign currency payment account in the inflow currency
  • The sender of the funds from abroad should have information about your data:
    • Name and surname
    • Address
    • IBAN Number (number of currency payment account)
    • Name of the bank STOPANSKA BANKA AD SKOPJE
    • SWIFT  code of the bank – STOBMK2X
  • Efficient execution of inflows on the same day as the currency date
  • On the value date or the next working day at the latest the Bank informs the client – beneficiary
  • Ability to lead with incoming payments in all branches of SB or through e-banking service of Stopanska banka
  • SB is the chief correspondent for the processing of foreign pensions for SB customers and customers with accounts in other domestic banks


1% in MKD currency, a minimum of MKD 250


Inflow documents

Credit transfers in euros and in a currency other than euro

Credit transfers in euros and in a currency other than euro

  • The client should have a foreign currency payment account in the remittance currency
  • The client submits to the Bank payment documents in accordance with the regulations for performing payment services abroad
  • Processing is on the same day of the received order, with value date on the following working day, according to the payment schedule
  • Fast and efficient execution of the payment transaction abroad in all branches of SB or through e-banking service of Stopanska banka
  • Due to the established extensive SWIFT network - links with banks around the world, customer’s additional charges are avoided

• Up to EUR 50,000.00: 0.50%, min. EUR 4 + SWIFT MKD 350
• Over 50,000.01: 0.27% + SWIFT MKD 350


Outflow documents

Checks drawn on foreign banks

Checks drawn on foreign banks

  • Commission in the amount of MKD 3000 paid in advanced when taking the cheque  + 3.00% of the check amount minimum 1,000 MKD per check after check payment

Payment schedule

Payment schedule for execution of payment transactions abroad in Stopanska banka AD Skopje



Accepting payment transactions

Execution of payment transactions

Hard -copy payment transactions

Every working day from 8:30 until

During the same day

Online payment transactions

Every working day from 8:00 until

During the same day

Hard -copy payment transactions

Every working day after 14:00

During the next working day

Online payment transactions

Every working day after 15:00 and non-working days During the next working day





For further information, please contact

Веб-страницата на Стопанска банка АД - Скопје користи „колачиња" кои собираат податоци за корисниците. Овие податоци помагаат на Банката да обезбеди подобро корисничко искуство, како и подобра функционалност на услугите и веб-страницата. Со одбирање на опцијата „Ги прифаќам сите колачиња" давате согласност за начинот на кој ги користиме „колачињата". За други опции, одете во „Поставки за колачиња". Дополнително, користењето на веб-страницата на СБ не е условена од прифаќањето на колачињата иако на тој начин одредени процеси може да не бидат технички оптимизирани за вашето лично корисничко искуство. За повеќе информации, посетете ја нашата Политика за колачиња.