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Up to MKD 1.500.000/EUR 25.000


Promotional offer:

Consumer unsecured loan: For all applications received from 01.03.2025 to 30.04.2025:

  • 4.70% fixed IR for the first 2 years for loans with life insurance
  • 4.90% fixed IR for the first 2 years for loans with accident insurance
  • 100% release of administrative fee


  • Credit approval in only 30 minutes
  • A possibility to include a life insurance and insurance against accidents and securing more favorable bank charges
  • Co-borrowers may be members of immediate family
  • Credit approval without additional inclusion of bill of exchange, guarantors or deposit
  • Gift voucher for purchase of other insurance, for all credits including insurance against accidents

Loan amount

  • minimum from 15,000 MKD / 250 EUR
  • maximum up to 1,500,000 MKD / 25.000 EUR


  • denar loan; EUR clause

Repayment period

  • Minimum 6 months
  • Maximum: 60 months for a loan up to 91,500 MKD/1.500 EUR, 84 months for a loan up to 300,000 MKD/5.000 EUR, 120 months for a loan up to 1,500,000 MKD /25.000 EUR

Method of repayment

  • Equal monthly annuities
  • An option for repayment with standing order or via i-bank channels of the bank is available for each holder of an account with SB

For credits with insurance

An insurance against accidents and credit life insurance is connected with the package for consumer loan application (client’s choice). Regarding insurance against accidents the Bank shall issue a policy from Croatia Osiguruvanje/ Non-life, as its authorised representative for non-life insurance.  Should the client request a credit life insurance, the Bank shall issue a Uniqa Life policy, as its authorized representative in the part of life insurance.


Bank charges


For MKD loans


Amount up to 300,000 MKD

Amount up to 1,500,000 MKD

Fixed interest rate

4.70% for the first 2 years for loans with accident insurance  

4.70% for the first 2 years for loans bundled with life insurance

4.90% for the first 2 years for loans b4ndled with accident insurance 

Variable interest rate

11.60% for payroll/pensioner clients 

12.89% for other clients (non-payroll)

10.70% for payroll/pensioner clients

11.89% for other clients (non-payroll)

 For denar loans with foreign currency clause


Amount up to 5,000 EUR

Amount up to 25,000 EUR

Fixed interest rate

5.20% for the first 2 years for loans with accident insurance

5.00% for the first 2 years for loans bundled with life insurance

5.20% for the first 2 years for loans bundled with accident insurance 

Variable interest rate

9.06% for payroll/pensioner clients 

10.07% for other clients (non-payroll)

9.06% for payroll/pensioner clients 

10.07% for other clients (non-payroll)

Additional costs related with the loan application

  • Application cost in the amount of 600 MKD
  • administrative cost of 2%
  • for loans over MKD 610,000 / EUR 10.000 costs for a notary fee for solemnization
  • Cost for early settlement 0%

Loan criteria

Individuals, residents

  • Minimum salary:
  • 8100 MKD for loan up to 610,000 MKD
  • 22,000 MKD for loans in amount of 610,001 MKD up to 920.000 MKD
  • 30.000 MKD for loans in amount of 920,001 MKD up to 1.200.000 MKD
  • 40.000 MKD for loans in amount of 1.200.001 MKD up to 1.500.000 MKD. 

Requirements for loans over 610,000 MKD

  • It is compulsory to include a co-borrower provided that the salary is less than:

        - 35,000 MKD for loans up to 920.000 MKD

        - 40,000 MKD for loans up to 1.200.000 MKD

        - 45,000 MKD for loans up to 1.500.000 MKD


Client’s age:

  • For SB payroll/non-SB payroll clients and non-SB pensioners - from 20 years at application up to 67 years on loan repayment date.
  •  For SB pensioners - up to 67 years on loan repayment date (in case when co-borrower/s is/are included and all the loan participants are pensioners at the moment of application, the age of any of the loan participant on loan repayment day can be up to 70 years, whereas one of the loan participants has to be with maximum age of maturity up to 67 years).

Requirements for co-borrowers:

  • a member of the immediate family
  • other person that meets the following requirements:
    • to be a client receiving salary/pension on a SB account,
    • to be a client  with an existing loan product in SB or at any other bank and with good credit history


For clients receiving salary/pension on a SB account:

  1. Signed application for consumer loan and consent for verification in Macedonian Credit Bureau  
  2. Copy of ID
For clients not receiving salary/pension on a SB account:
  1. transaction account statements for the last six months  
  2. Certificate of employment signed and certified not older than 30 days
  3. Birth Certificate/ Marriage Certificate  (applies for notary public only)
  4. Additional documentations required by the bank



For further information, please contact

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