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Consumer secured loan for clients with housing loan in SB



PROMO: For all applications received from 01.02.2025
  • 100% release of administrative fee
  • 100% release of appraisal fee


Repayment period from 3 to 20 years

  • Amount up to 80,000 EUR (in denar counter value)
  • The funds of the approved loan shall be disbursed on the SB transaction account of Individuals
  • EUR: denar loan with a foreign currency clause; MKD: denar loan
  • Guaranteed interest rate for the first 5 years
  • An option for repayment with standing order or via i-bank channels of the bank is available for each holder of an account with SB
  • Additional amount over the amount of  SB housing loan  
  • NO deposit, NO guarantors, NO administrative wage garnishment, NO bill of exchange ,
  • The co-borrower may be individuals who are not members of the immediate family  
  • Fast and simple procedure (initial pre-approval within 24 hours)
  • No application costs if applying for housing loan at the same time

Bank charges

  • For loans with life insurance EUR:
    • 3.30% fixed for 5 years for clients receiving salary/pension on a SB account  
    • 4.30% fixed for 3 years, for clients not receiving salary/pension on a SB account  
  • For loans WITHOUT life insurance EUR:
    • 3.50% fixed for 5 years for clients receiving salary/pension on a SB account  
    • 4.50% fixed for 3 years, for clients not receiving salary/pension on a SB account  
  • Variable interest rates for loans with/without life insurance
    • 6.25% variable for the remaining period  for clients receiving salary/pension on a SB account  
    • 6.94% variable for the remaining period  for clients not receiving salary/pension on a SB account  
  • Fee for early partial or full settlement: 0% provided that the settlement is made following the expiry of the first 20% of the initially approved repayment period, on the contrary 3% (only for loans secured by pledge of immovable property)
  • If the housing loan along with the Consumer secured loan are simultaneously applied for, the housing loan from other banks is refinanced in Stopanska banka:
    • 0 MKD for a fee for establishment of a notary act and registry in the Cadastre (provided that the both loans are in a single notary act)
    • 0 MKD for a fee for appraisal of the mortgaged property
    • 0% administrative costs
  • Application fee in the amount of 0 MKD for all clients provided that the borrower applies for both – housing and consumer loan at the same time. On the contrary the fee in amount of 600 MKD shall be charged 
  • Administrative fee: 1.25% of the amount of the approved loan shall be charged  one-time
  • Appraisal fee: 2,500 or 5,000 MKD (depending on the location ) of the mortgaged property shall be charged one-time
  • Insurance fee and mortgage registration  
  • Fees for establishment of a notary act.
  • 400 MKD fee for generating Title Deed
  • Mortgage on the property with a value of 133%-154% from the loan amount, depending on the location of the property  


  • Individuals, residents
  • Minimum monthly salary in the amount of 9,100.00 MKD for each participant in the loan, individually.
  • For SB payroll/non-SB payroll clients - from 20 years at application up to 70 years on loan repayment date (in case when co-borrower/s is/are included the age of one of the loan participants can be up to 70 years on loan repayment date, while the other loan participant/s on loan repayment day can be up to 75 years).
  • For pensioners - up to 70 years on loan repayment date (in case when co-borrower/s is/are included and all the loan participants are pensioners at the moment of application, the age of any of the loan participants on loan repayment day can be up to 75 years).
  • Apart from being a member of the immediate family (a parent, child, spouse), the co-borrower may also be a person who fulfils the following requirements :
    • to be a client receiving salary/pension on a SB account,
    • to be a client  with an existing loan product in SB or at any other bank and with good credit history
  • Individuals, citizens of the Republic of North Macedonia, who are employed abroad, may be accepted as borrowers/co-borrowers only in cases when members of the immediate family with a permanent employment in RNM appear as borrowers/co-borrowers.   


  1. Consumer loan application for (for borrowers and co-borrowers)
  2. Copy of ID or passport  (for the borrower, co-borrowers and mortgage debtor)
  3. For clients receiving salary on a SB transaction account, only a transaction account statement for the last six months is required
  4. All other – Pension slip / Employment Certificate, signed and certified by employer’s authorized person (not older than 30 days), and other documentation required in order to prove the amount of the monthly salary.  
  5. Birth Certificate (not older than 6 months) / Marriage Certificate issued by RNM  (for the borrower and co-borrowers) 
  6. Property certificate for the mortgaged real estate, not older than 6 months  
  7. Provided that the collateral is a house, the land should have an established property right or right for a long term lease 
  8. Consent for report submission by Macedonian Credit Bureau
  9. Additional documentation required by the bank





For further information, please contact

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