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Life insurance (Riziko)

Riziko is independent (not included in the package with credit) life insurance that provides financial security to the insured and the family to the amount and period of the insured's option. For the duration of such life insurance, the beneficiary receives life insurance to a fixed amount (for example: EUR 30,000) for which he/she pays a certain premium as one-off payment, in monthly or annual installments to the Bank.

RIZIKO Life Insurance does not have a savings component, the costs are however in line with the domestic standard, ensuring the financial stability of the family in the event of an unintended event (death) of the insured.

RIZIKO Life Insurance applies to all persons between the ages of 14 and 65, with the maximum age of access at the expiration of the policy being 70 years.

The insurance period is at the choice of the client and can be between 1 and 30 years.

RIZIKO Life Insurance premium can be paid one-off, in monthly or annual installments (at the client's option), for which purpose a standing order is signed from the client's transaction account with the Bank.

Representative example:

  • A female at the age of 35, without any chronic illnesses
  • Insurance period: 10 years
  • Insurance cover: EUR 20,000 - amount that would be received by loved ones in case of an unintended event (death).
  • Premium (insurance rate): EUR 508 one-off premium or EUR 5 monthly premium in MKD counter value.



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