Credit Cards
Visa Zero
Visa Zero
Card info
Card info
- International contactless credit card connected to the denar transaction account
- Possibility to split the transactions up to 36 interest-free instalments
- Monthly repayment of 3% of the total debt
- 45-day interest free grace period for full debt settlement
- Maximum credit limit of 50,000 MKD, depending on the client’s income
- Free travel insurance with a 20-day coverage and 365-days validity period
- Fast and simple application procedure in any SB branch, on phone No. 15-110 or at the following link www.alokredit.mk
- Free of charge payments within the trade network
- Monitoring and managing the account via the SB e-banking service
- ATMs and over-the-counter (OTC) cash withdrawals under the most favorable terms and conditions
- Can be used in the country and abroad
- Can be used for internet payments with the highest protection level - 3D-Secure standard for SAFE online purchasing
- No PIN required for contactless payments within the trade network up to 2.000 MKD
- The maximum age for active use of the card's credit limit is 75 years
- Maximum amount per transaction within the country and abroad up to 150,000 MKD
- Cumulative monthly transaction amount within trade network in the country and abroad up to 300,000 MKD
- Daily ATM cash withdrawal limit up to 30,000 MKD in the country and abroad
- The maximum number of contactless transactions without entering a pin code during the day is 10 transactions. After exceeding this limit, the transaction should be performed by contact - by inserting the card into the POS terminal and entering the pin code from the card.
- Possibility to set and manage transaction limits and block/unblock payment cards through e-banking/m-banking of Stopanska banka
- Should you require limit increase please contact the Contact Centre on 3100-109.
Bank charges
Interest rates
- 0% fixed annual interest rate
Membership fee
- 1.980 MKD membership fee- shall be charged upon card issuance
- Issuance of additional card free of charge
- 90 MKD charge for a renewal of a card (one-time fee charge in 5 years upon issuing a new card)
Fees and other charges
- A fee in the amount of 2% + 100 MKD of the amount of transaction shall be charged to the denar account for SB ATMs cash withdrawal.
- A fee in the amount of 5% but not less than 100 MKD of the amount of transaction shall be charged to the denar account for SB over-the-counter (OTC) cash withdrawal.
- A fee in the amount of 100 MKD + 3% of the amount withdrawn shall be charged to the denar account for other banks ATMs and over-the-counter (OTC) cash withdrawals in the Republic of North Macedonia.
- A fee in the amount of 150 MKD shall be charged for issuance of a new PIN
- A fee in the amount of 300 MKD shall be charged for re-issuance of a new card, provided that the old card has been damaged, lost or stolen
- A fee in the amount of 150 MKD shall be charged for re-issuance of a new card upon a change of the holder’s name or surname
- A fee in the amount of 1,000 MKD shall be charged to the Denar account for a card retained in an ATM abroad.
Criteria and documents
Credit criteria
- Individuals who are citizens of the Republic of North Macedonia
- Age of the card holder - from 20 to 67 years old on the date of application
- Minimum salary in the amount of 8,100 MKD
Required documents
- Personally filled-in and signed application form for Visa Zero credit card
- Valid ID
- For clients receiving salary/pension on a SB account
- Bank statement from the previous three months
- For clients not receiving salary/pension on a SB account
- Employment certificate with an issuance date not older than 30 days, certified and signed by a person authorized by the employer
- Other documentation may be requested in order to prove the amount of a monthly salary