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Plata Plus


Plata + package offers the following advantages

  • Attractive interest rates on the positive balance of the WB transaction current account
  • Allowed overdraft on transaction account amounting to approximately 2 regular monthly incomes, with interest rate on overdraft lower by 10% compared to regular interest rate
  • Free VISA or MasterCard debit card linked to your payroll account
  • Preferred floating interest rates for all Bank credit products with a 10% reduction compared to regular interest rates
  • Quick and simple procedure and reduction of required documentation without payroll for all credit products

Other 50% price reductions applied to:

  • annual debit card memberships
  • annual membership of Moj Kesh Credit

For current benefits and interest rates see the current offer.

Actual offer


  • Consumer unsecured loan
  • Housing loan
  • Visa/MasterCard credit cards:
    • All new and existing Visa / MasterCard credit card users get free travel insurance with a 20 day coverage of 365 days. Additionally you get the option of buying additional travel insurance for family members / acquaintances at preferential rates.
    • Possibility for partial or full exemption from the annual credit card membership fee, depending on the scope of use and / or use of other WB services

The complete Plata+ offer can be found on the Macedonian version of the web site




For further information, please contact

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